Character design

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 4 comments
Here is a character design I had in my sketchbook. I like this type of small and chubby characters we could see on the old-school RPGs on consoles; they had this specific design with big shapes to be still iconic with the constrain of low resolution and low color palette. I tried to depict that type of character, a sort of hybrid between force and magic. By the way, the hammer is magical and doesn't weight anything (that's how artists justifies bad management of weight in their drawings... mea culpa :P ). I decided to color this sketch to test my inking and coloring process before the production of the next episode of Pepper&Carrot. I'm trying to improve. I'll write certainly more about the details later.

Websites update «The Big Merge»

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 5 comments
Ten days ago, I woke up with both of my blogs ( and dying under thousands of spams (comment section) on both of them... a sunday morning... yay... I then decided to put in high priority a cleaning of all my articles published here since 2006 and update the CMS PluXML I was using on both. With over 485 articles and over 8000 comments it wasn't easy and I worked hard every days to update both of my two blogs... into this single one. What's new: 1. [A table of content](static5/table-of-content "A table of content" ) for my brushes/tutorials/extras. 2. [A portfolio]( "A portfolio" ) with my best artworks proposed in very high-resolution. 3. [Three choices of RSS](static4/rss-options "Three choices of RSS" ) to follow all, the webcomics or the tutorials. 4. A footer at the end of all pages proposes to filter my post by licenses. 5. I added more than 10 [tutorials](categorie3/tutorials-brushes-extras "tutorials" ) posted previously only on Patreon or on Youtube. 6. I worked for a compatibility with phones/tablets/computers. 7. I added a special page to detail the available options [to patron my work](static3/become-my-patron "to patron my work" ). 8. [Pepper&Carrot website]( "Pepper&Carrot website" ) was a bit simplified (a good thing). If you want to know more; [check this issue on Framagit with all details]( "check this issue on Framagit with all details" ). _( PS: If you received this message via your RSS along a lot of notifications of unread articles, sorry about that it is a side effect of updating the database. Also, if you followed the RSS of the comments, the adress has changed: check the [new RSS adress here](static4/rss-options "new RSS adress here" ).)_

Derivation: Pepper&Carrot Mini by Nartance

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 1 comment
Pepper&Carrot mini is a derivative webcomic of the Pepper&Carrot official. The story and artworks are made by Nartance who has also been contributing for years to the episodes, proof-reading and helping with the French translations. Nartance also wrote [three long stories in French]( "three long stories in French" ), hosted on the scenario repository (but this deserves its own entry on the blog, stay tuned). Nartance works with Free/Libre Open Source Software: Krita and Inkscape, and you can also contribute to Pepper&Carrot Mini by translating via [the dedicated Framagit repo]( More information about Nartance on [his profile on deviantArt](, where you can also follow Pepper&Carrot Mini (and also on [Mastodon]( "Mastodon" ) or [Twitter]( "itter" ).) **[→ Read all the episodes here ←]( "Read all the episodes here" )**

Krita alternate themes

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 45 comments
Seven years ago I distributed [a set of theme](article124/themes-for-krita-and-kde "a set of theme" ) for Krita that became the defaults. You can switch between a dark, a darker, a bright and a neutral already by just going into the top menu of your Krita, Settings → Themes. But today, I share a new set of alternates themes I created for various reasons. I kept them so far on my install but today I made cleanup and kept five that merit to be shared. You'll find them under along with a description and a screenshot. The install and download instruction are at the bottom of this post. ## Krita bright neutral A theme a bit brighter than the Krita bright default and with a neutral gray selection color. That's a color theme I use system wide on my Plasma desktop, but more rarely with Krita itself. [![](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_1.jpg)](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_1.jpg) ## Krita midgray bright ice This is a derivation over the default "Krita bright" theme. Slightly darker, this theme blend the background of the preset icons into the background of the user interface. I find this theme very convenient to draw my sketches or to do line-art, when working over white or bright gray backgrounds. [![](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_5.jpg)](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_5.jpg) ## Krita midgray focus teal A theme I created for a friend who liked a lot the default dark theme with teal highlight of the software "Clip Paint Studio" (eg: [clip paint screenshot]( "a screenshot" ) ). The colors differs a bit, because the user interface elements of Krita are really different but I think I did a correct work "eye-balling" the general mood. [![](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_4.jpg)](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_4.jpg) ## Krita midgray focus blue A derivation of the previous theme I did for myself but this time using blue as a color for highlight. I finally adopted it on long term. You probably saw this one since monthes on the screenshot I share on social network. The value is slightly darker than a pure midgray and it gives a "dark room ambiant" to create shiny color effect. Perfect for the colors I work on Pepper&Carrot. [![](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_3.jpg)](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_3.jpg) ## Krita dark high contrast gold This one was a request I get two weeks ago on the Krita IRC channel: a dark theme with strong gold color highlight on the selected elements to help in case of visual impairment with a strong contrast while keeping a dark user interface. After discussions with the requester of the theme to get an idea of what type of theme was efficient; we found an example and I took inspiration to the Yellow theme made by Mrtz found on [this wonderfull thread]( "this wonderfull thread" ) the Blender Community made with many theme. [![](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_2.jpg)](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_krita-theme_2.jpg) ## Install 1. Download the zip containing the five themes here: [](data/documents/ "" ), 4KB 2\. Open Krita, go to the top menu: Settings → Manage Resources and click the **Open Resource Folder** button. 3\. Your file explorer now should open at the location of where Krita store your preferences _(eg. Dolphin opens /home/deevad/.local/share/krita for me, deevad on GNU/Linux)._ 4\. In this folder create a new folder named: **color-schemes** 5\. Extract the five *.colors files you found on the zip inside the color-schemes directory. Like that: [![](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_screenshot_174451_net.jpg)](data/images/blog/2019/01/2019-01-04_screenshot_174451_net.jpg) **That's all**. When you are done, close Krita and re-open it. Now you can switch to the new theme going to the top menu Settings → Themes (tested on GNU/Linux and a Krita 4.1.x, I can't test on Windows or Mac). I hope you'll like them! **Licence:** the zip and *.color files are CC-0 ressources, public domain.