10th anniversary of the Pepper&Carrot webcomic series

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 42 comments
Ten years ago today, I posted the [first episode](https://www.davidrevoy.com/article434/episode-1-potion-of-flight/show) of Pepper&Carrot on my blog. It was a simple gag, but your feedback made me realize that this little witch and her cat deserved a second episode. So I started working on it. Step by step, one episode followed another, and thanks to your financial support, I was able to continue writing their adventures. What followed was a great adventure with lots of derivatives, languages, paper editions, video games, board games, collaborations, contributions... Rest assured that all of this is beyond my wildest dreams. I'm at a loss for words to describe all that goes through me when I read this date, when I remember that first publication, that first step on a long journey... Thank you again for encouraging me to make Pepper&Carrot all these years. 10 years! Thanks so much to everyone who has been part of this journey with me.