Askaryl's Grimoire

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 6 comments
![](data/images/blog/2012/12/askaryl-grimoire-screenshot-early_net.jpg) "Hamnasya - Askaryl's Grimoire" is a role playing gamebook for Iphones and Ipads in English and French. I was happy to be a part of this production. It was a kid's dream for me to work on a [gamebook]( "wikipedia link" ) as I read a lot of them. The visual theme of the quest is clearly around a classic dark fantasy, with creatures , fighting , magical powers, items and big landscapes. 35 speed-paintings in 4:3 were necessary to illustrate Askaryl's Grimoire project : ![](data/images/blog/2012/12/askaryl-grimoire-illustration-sample_net.jpg) More than 100 portraits were necessary to represent creature and actors threw the journey : ![](data/images/blog/2012/12/askaryl-grimoire-mini-portrait-ingame.jpg) Storyboard sample of the video teasing intro , not in a timeline order. ![](data/images/blog/2012/12/askaryl-grimoire-storyboard-early_net.jpg) All illustrations were done using Krita development 2.4 beta with a bit of post prod in Gimp. Thanks for the many debug done by the Krita team. Here is a work in progress of an illustration : ![](data/images/blog/2012/12/askaryl-grimoire-wip-bonus.jpg) Here is the cinematic trailer done to tease the app , produced by Delapost Paris : [youtube]54vrIGb8eVA[/youtube] For more information:

portrait of Charles Darwin

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 29 comments
This is a personnal tribute. I started studying more about Charles Darwin carreer and impact on science while reading _"The God Delusion"_ by Richard Dawkins. Good book. So, I wanted to paint a portrait, using many species as brushes, ordering them in pseudo branching... and I failed to be consistent or exact about branching and decided to fall into more a sort of symbolic branching. Art have this advantage to keep a part of poetry. Still, the task was hard, and a real puzzle game with many rules of color values and colors temperature to respect to keep contributing to the global portrait. Certainly better could be made but I decided to stop detailing it or fixing it. I didn't want to start loosing energy of stokes and first intention. Note : It ended to a familiar rendering like the famous portraits of Giuseppe Arcimboldo ( I loved those portrait in my childhood, not really now, maybe they came back unconsciously ). ** "I love fools' experiments. I am always making them."**_ \- Charles Darwin_ Painted with Krita 2.7 on Linux Mint KDE 13. Charles Darwin on Wikipedia :

Boat City

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 12 comments
Plenty of rusty abandoned boats on a sunny island. I probably need holidays. Painted in Mypaint and Krita. Screenshot of some-making of steps : ![](data/images/blog/2012/11/boatcity_makingof_net.jpg)

Mypaint brushes V6

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 36 comments
[info]**WARNING!** INCOMPATIBLE WITH MYPAINT 1.0.0 AND BEFORE.[/info] **To install : ** 1.Download the \*.zip package 2.Open Mypaint, and go in the main menu to Brush > Import Brush Package 3. Done, a new brush group named 'deevad-v6' will be created. This is Deevad's brushset version 6 done for Mypaint version 1.1.0. This brush kit is released in public domain, so feel free to create what you want with it. *Creative Commons Zero* (this overide the CC-By on the footer of this article). **[Download it ( 658KB ) on my Deviant Art account]( "Download it on my Deviant Art account \( thanks them for hosting \)" )**

Capitole du Libre 2012

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 8 comments
[info]**Exept the small intro under , this article will be written exeptionnaly in french.**[/info] The season of Workshop and Conference continue for me but this time in my dear city Toulouse ( France ) ! In a nutshell : I'll do 1h of talk about Krita 2.5 to show why Krita rocks , and a workshop about the future Mypaint 1.1.0 . Why Mypaint ? because Mypaint have -for the moment- a larger audience in my opinion :) I'm specially happy also to meet there : **David Tschumperlé** ( G'Mic ) , **Henri Hebeisen** ( Blender artist from Tube project ) ,** François Grassard** ( Blender Vfx artist ) and my friend **Olivier Saraja** ( one of the organisator of the event , Blender User Group in Toulouse and Blender tutorial books author ) . Oh, last details the workshop and the talk are free and the event is growing year after year : Ubuntu party , KDE Academy , Blender workshop, Music workshop ... The Open Source family around gather :-) ![](data/images/blog/2012/10/2012-10-27_screenshot_002.jpg) ## Krita 2.5 découverte et fonctionnalités **[Samedi 24 Novembre de 14h à 15h (1h)]( "Samedi 24 Novembre de 14h à 15h" )** Presentation et tutoriel premier pas en une heure pour la prise en main de l'outil de peinture numérique Krita 2.5. Une présentation sans diapositives, mais uniquement en experimentation directe avec le logiciel ouvert. La tâche s'annonce difficile : Imaginez qu'une semaine complète serait insufisante pour faire le tour de ce logiciel. Il s'agira donc d'une présentation un peu légère mais qui donnera une idée de ce qui est possible avec Krita , et comment l'utiliser dans les grandes lignes. ![](data/images/blog/2012/10/2012-10-27_screenshot_003.jpg) ## Atelier de création professionnel 2D **[Samedi 25 Novembre de 14h à 17h (3h)]( "Samedi 24 Novembre de 14h à 15h" ) **Un atelier de 3 heures le dimanche pour expliquer pas à pas et dans le détail comment réaliser une illustration en peinture numérique professionnel (qui sera réalisé en direct) avec des logicielles 100% open-sources. En 3h commenté , pas de miracle ou chef-d'oeuvre possible, mais j'essaierai de faire de mon mieux. L'atelier se centrera sur Mypaint comme outils principal. Autres logiciel requis pour pouvoir experimenter en même temps que la démo en live : - Mypaint 1.0 (version PPA ou dev conseillé , nommé future 1.1.0 ) - Krita 2.5 (ou dev) - Gimp 2.8 (ou dev) avec plugin G'Mic ** ... et une tablette graphique**. (Système Linux (Ubuntu ou dérivé) **conseillé**. [Plus de détail sur l'installation ici en anglais]( "Plus de détail sur l'installation ici" ) ) **Inscription nécessaire à l'adresse ** ... à bientôt ! Note : L'atelier laissera les participants expérimenter sur leur matériel pendant le processus expliquer, ainsi d'interagir via des questions . Toutefois ; l'atelier ne sera pas là pour régler des questions liés aux problèmes d'installations ou de matériel , merci. **Liens : ** dont deux pages en particulier : autres :