Episode 38: The Healer

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 34 comments
Hi! I just posted a new Pepper&Carrot episode on peppercarrot website: https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/webcomic/ep38_The-Healer.html Have a good read ! (I'll add more infos in the comments later)

Episode 38: release next week

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 7 comments
Here is a WIP webcomic panel of the future episode 38 of Pepper&Carrot "The Healer". It takes shape! The release will be next week, and [the beta is now ready for translation](https://framagit.org/peppercarrot/webcomics/-/issues/238#note_1960329). 🤩 I'll be full-time painting until the release; each panel requires at least 3 to 4h of paint-over and adjustments, and it's a lot of hours until I find the pages ready for 'final'. 💜

Goodbye Blue Bird.

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 23 comments
Hey, from now on, **I'll be totally inactive on Twitter**. I'll leave my account 'as is' with a link to this article in the most recent Twitt. I'll not close or delete my account to prevent bad intentioned users to recreate fake accounts in my name and impersonate me. But that's all. Consider [my account](http://twitter.com/davidrevoy) now as a ghost, only around to archive what was done in the past. I already started to unfollow many accounts around January, I archived everything, deleted DMs, and over the last month I only connected to it to copy/paste news from my blog. So, I already was a zombie on the platform. Why it took me so much time? Well, I opened this account back in 2010 and, over the time, it received the attention of **14K followers**. I can't hide I'm writting these lines with a mix of proudness, embarassement (to share with pride this number of followers) and also a little pinch in the heart to leave this account. I'm an artist and I always wanted to expose my art, comics, and tutorials to the widest possible amount of eyes. 14 000... For an artist living of online patronage and donations... That's why you can imagine it was for me **a super difficult decision to take**. I'll not write the "why" I'm deserting Twitter in the details. You probably already read many reasons to do so about the platform and its toxicity, social issues, bias towards minorities, political bias, nest to fakenews, home of the pro NFTs, bots making AIArt and always more excesses... My reasons are a bit a mix of all of that at the same time, and it's well enough. **I'm tired and exhausted of Twitter**. They'll continue without me. I don't want my art and data to contribute anymore to that. It's also because I had a couple days ago a hard time to reread my words on this article I published last year: ["How proprietary social-medias are shaping the future of Pepper&Carrot"](https://www.davidrevoy.com/article904/how-proprietary-social-medias-are-shaping-the-future-of-peppercarrot). I write on this blog-post my efforts to adapt and comply to this system, trying to get my piece of the cake by guessing the secrets rules of an algorythm that deboost or boost contents. Changing my format, my art style, anything to get the grace of a bit of attention of an algorythm... It's never have been in my nature to conform into such a submissive position and it hurts me to read it. It feels like **I was ask to sit up and beg to get my sugar**, and I was in the process. I rebelled stronger against situations for fewer reasons in the past. That's why I'm not painting with proprietary software, that's why I'm not on proprietary operating system, that's why I don't sign usual contract with my publishers, that's why I'm using the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license... etc... I realised this social network had a lot of influence on me. It was for years the place where I had the largest audience and the most of engagement. Nowadays, when I look around me, I see many familiar nicknames and avatars on Mastodon. I guess this is visible also by the large **increase of followers [on Mastodon](https://framapiaf.org/@davidrevoy) (~ 22K followers)** I received recently contrasting with the **lower and lower engagement to my posts on Twitter**. That's why I'm ready to deal with the consequences of stopping the maintainance of my Twitter account. I'm proposing many other alternatives solutions to follow my work (you'll find links on the top right of this blog), and if you want a short introduction to understand Mastodon − the alternative I advice the most − [check this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPSbNdBmWKE). For a conclusion on Twitter, I'll abstract from my memory all the shitstorms and the dramas and focus on never forgetting the positive stories I experienced on it, the people I found on it, all the one I followed, all the one who followed me, interacted with me, shared and replied to my post over the last 13 years on it. **Thank you, I'm grateful for all the years of interaction we shared**. Now let's build something better. Have a good sleep, blue bird. \_\_\_ Note: This article is not a call to pressure any individuals or projects to follow my decision. I'll never blame anyone for being still on Twitter (or using proprietary software, Copyrighted license, etc...). I even think big projects like Krita, Inkscape, Framasoft should keep a presence on Twitter and remain active. Their presence is a necessity, especially on a network like that.

Trolls & Légendes 2023

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 4 comments
[![A photo of David Revoy, photo made from the point of view of a visitor at the start of having the book four of Pepper&Carrot signed at Trolls & Legendes Festival, in Mons Belgium, 2023. It's a top-down photograph in color made from a smartphone of a seated white person around 40 years old smiling and happy, with a short beard and a mix of brown and white hair. He wears a tee shirt with the great Great A'Tuin (Discworld, T.Pratchett), and also wears a glove for drawing (synthetic, black) and starts to doodle into a book open. The book is Pepper&Carrot four by Glénat, with its dark violet colors in the introduction. The table has drawing material on it (Tipp-Ex, Pierre Noire, white markers, and a kneaded eraser), a little box with a tux sticker on it, a glass of water, and the table are covered with fabric in black. A label "David Revoy" is on the front to indicate the booth to the visitor. In the background: the library shop of the Festival with many comic books. Photo CC-By 4.0 Steph Vesch.](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-08_david-revoy_at_trolls-and-legendes-festival-in-mons_2023_pepper-and-carrot-comic-signing-session.jpeg)](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-08_david-revoy_at_trolls-and-legendes-festival-in-mons_2023_pepper-and-carrot-comic-signing-session.jpeg) _A photo of me during while signing at Trolls & Legendes 2023 Festival, in Mons Belgium - Photo CC-By 4.0 Steph Vesch._ I'm back after a weekend of signing sessions at the "Trolls et Légendes" Festival in Belgium. I drew on more than 50 books, met amazing people, and it gave me a lot of energy, motivation, and joy! Thank you for this unforgettable moment. 💜

Episode 38 Production report 2: Proofreading and Release schedule

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 10 comments
Here is a second production report to announce an important milestone on the production of episode 38: yesterday, I posted on our collaborative tool a work in progress version for the Pepper&Carrot proofreaders and contributors. I quoted them all in a new thread, but our tool sometimes doesn't transmit well the notification or emails. So, this blog post is also a notification for them. ### Proofreading The episode is still not detailed (all panels are "blocky speedpaintings") and the speech bubbles are in French and not corrected. An English translation done automatically with DeepL is available as a txt. If you are not affraid of spoilers; you can **[access the proofreading forum here and read it](https://framagit.org/peppercarrot/webcomics/-/issues/?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=all&label_name%5B%5D=future%20episode)** (link also available via the Pepper&Carrot website, _Contribute_ menu, and then _Beta-Reading forum_). The episode is posted on a area of the website named XYZ; it's our secret area. Please do not reshare it, it's not ready 🤫 If you want to contribute, or just give a feedback, please get a Framagit account and interact on the thread dedicated to the episode. It will be easier for me to re-read every feedbacks about the episode later when it is formated into a single thread only. ### About the Release Schedule We are now at a step called the **Alpha-FR version** and we are on the road to get a **Beta-Ready-for-Translation** within the next weeks. I'm planning for a release somewhere in April now, and obviously after [the signing in Mons(Belgium)](https://www.davidrevoy.com/article958/trolls-legendes-signing-sessions) this week-end. Taking care of the release process, making the SVGs, versioning all in Git takes time, and I'll also need at least a full day of painting per pages to details them as I want. So a lot of work is still ahead. But now the episode as a soul, a story, and is on the rail to get a release so it's a big milestone. If you want a global view on the release process as I see it, here is a graph I just made: [![](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_release-schedule-graph.png)](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_release-schedule-graph.png) ### Making of Here is four steps I used to paint this episode on a sample scene. I still have to do the last step, "detailing" but now I have all the episode shaded. It's taking shape. I'll try to make a third report next week to share the first "full rendering" of panels I already shared here and [on the previous production report](https://www.davidrevoy.com/article957/episode-38-production-report-1). [![](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_production-report_2-alpha_b.jpg)](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_production-report_2-alpha_b.jpg) [![](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_production-report_2-alpha_c.jpg)](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_production-report_2-alpha_c.jpg) [![](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_production-report_2-alpha_d.jpg)](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_production-report_2-alpha_d.jpg) [![](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_production-report_2-alpha_e.jpg)](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-04_production-report_2-alpha_e.jpg)


WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 4 comments
[info] **April Fool!** Thank you for all your feedback, that was funny! Of course, nothing in this article is serious, a big thanks again to [Craig Maloney](https://octodon.social/@craigmaloney) for the very creative text! [/info] **Disney** and **Warner Bros. Discovery** are pleased to announce a **joint partnership** to develop **the Pepper&Carrot Cinematic Universe**. The two companies [announced](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) this unprecedented partnership over a gala dinner celebrating this historic event. _"It's truly remarkable"_ said **David Zaslav**, President and CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery. _"Disney+ and Warner have traditionally been competitors in the media field. By combining our forces together we're looking to synergize our unique talents in developing the Pepper&Carrot Cinematic Universe and bring these characters to new audiences worldwide."_ **Bob Iger**, CEO of Disney concurred. _"I've been in this business a long time and seeing what lies ahead for this partnership and combining of talent is truly a moment that will be lauded as a turning point not only in streaming media but also in media itself."_ Both companies announced a joint plan to develop **25 new shows based on the webcomic "Pepper&Carrot"**. Pepper and her cat Carrot live in the world of Hereva. Previously the Morevna project animated several shorts of Pepper&Carrot. Now, with the combined talents of Disney animators and Warner Bros. Discovery's ability to create live-action shows the potential to turn this Creative Commons Licensed webcomic into an entire franchise is exciting to both parties. _"When I heard about the Creative Commons license I was skeptical"_ said David Zaslav of Warner Bros. Discovery. "But when someone said 'no residuals' **I was completely on-board with the concept** faster than you could say 'cancel Batgirl'. It was like this was a concept ripe for exploration". _"Properties like Paper and Carrot is the key to new show development"_ explained Bob Iger of Disney. _"You've got memorable characters, great storylines, and the talents of of Dave Revlon making something magical. It's a marriage that Disney, Warner, and the creatives that can bring about real stories about real people, even if they're fictional characters. Darrel has created something magical here. Also, there's a cat in there but I can't remember his name."_ [![](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-01_pepper-and-carrot_rat-man.jpg)](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-01_pepper-and-carrot_rat-man.jpg) _The Rat Man of the Market Series, a possibility for 2024, voiced by Chris Pratt._ Not all of the 25 shows were announced at the event, but details of the new shows were discussed at the meeting. _"There's one with Princess Coriander inventions"_, showrunner **Dale Diggby** explained, _"where the inventions go on various adventures. There's also Rat Man, the shop-keeper in Episode 3: The Secret Ingredients. I'm sure there's a story to tell about how he gets his starfruits."_ _"We're also working on a series around 'The Sage of the Mountain'. I'm convinced there's a story there, and if there's a Sage of the Mountain there's likely a Mrs. Sage, right?"_ Other stories will feature various other characters that were only featured in one episode, **including Prince Arcen, The Genius Ants, The Demons of Chaosah, and the giant fish**. [![](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-01_pepper-and-carrot-the-demon-of-chaosah.jpg)](data/images/blog/2023/2023-04-01_pepper-and-carrot-the-demon-of-chaosah.jpg) _The Demons of Chaosah, one of the most anticipated comedy of the P&CCU according data metry from Statistica Inc._ _"We contacted Paramount to see if they might be interested"_, Dale Diggby continued, _"but they said they were currently deep in Star Trek focus groups finding any minutiae in those series that they can hang an entire series. Ah well. Their loss."_ Creator David Revoy was asked about his opinion of the deal. We attempted to parachute onto his private island just after he gave us the keys to control his blog, social medias and website in exchange of a compensation. He got out of the swimming pool, took off his sun glasses, and said something so rude in French that made our translator have to excuse himself to wash his mouth out with soap. So it sounds like **he's completely on board with the project**. _"Pepper and Cinnamon is one of my favorite comics of recent years"_ David Zaslav, President and CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery said. _"The characters are so memorable, including that tall one, and the short one, and that adorable round one. Also, I love that cat but I can't remember his name. Brilliant stuff."_ _"I mentioned 'no residuals', right?"_ he concluded. Expect new shows in the Pepper&Carrot Cinematic Universe sometime late 2023, streaming on [Disney+](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Fools%27_Day), [HBO Max](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Fools%27_Day), and the new [Framastream+](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Fools%27_Day) by Framasoft service.

**C. Yenolam** Head of Pepper&Carrot Worldwide Corporate Communications and Public Affairs [craig.yenolam@peppercarrot.cinematic.universe.com](https://octodon.social/@craigmaloney)