License: "Episode 28: The Festivities" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
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link David Revoy  

After a long time, here is episode 28, the second part of the trilogy of the Coronation of Coriander. It took me a long time to produce this one (thank you for your patience) and believe me; I'm working full time on it since half November 2018.

I'm not someone in real life used to be very active on party and I like the bench in the dark, outside, hearing the music and people having fun from distance. I probably spent myself a lot of time thinking this way during parties. That's a place I like and I hope the one who also like this moments will find that in this episode. This episode resolves all the jealousy Pepper had about her friends and brings more story background in a subtle way; we meet Shichimi's school (and first appearance of Wasabi, her master and a character I want to reuse later), it gives a glimpse of what Coriander will have to manage, and also introduce the new personality of Saffron-superstar. This episode also erases the last bit of shame Pepper had about her own magic family. Pepper really evolved a lot and now she is ready to be a powerful witch of Chaosah:) I like when resolving of stories happens not after a fight, but when characters just change their point-of-view.

I hope you liked this episode 28; let's production of ep29 start! Thanks again to all translators, contributors and patrons to let me draw Pepper&Carrot!

link Aldrian Obaja  

Great work David! I enjoy the detailed art and the moral lessons that you put forward through your comics!

link Lucas  

Es muy conmovedor, casi lloro, en serio :,)

link Ruslan  

When I first saw Pepper&Carrot this was love from the first sight. This haven't changed since then, this comic is lovely, unpredictable, exceptionally well drawn and, most importantly for me, very heartwarming and touching. In the modern times of superheroes, supermodels, super-everything it's a refreshing change to watch Pepper on her life's journey. Every time a new episode comes out I'm again amazed by David's talent at not only creating outstanding graphics, but also stories and characters that I can feel for.

link Scott Petrovic  

Great. This really resonated with me when it comes to parties and a "grass is greener on the other side" type of mindset. Thanks for all your hard work and keep it up.

link Nartance Contributor,

Great job Deevad ^_^ it is always a pleasure to work with you on this webcomic: nice art, nice people, nice story! :D

I like the message behind this one. I see a lot of people complaining about what they don't have, instead of opening their eyes to see what they actually have.
It is also cool that Coriander situation changes, but she's still the same person :-) I am looking forward to see the final episode, with all these characters in the same room and possible interactions. It'll be interesting for sure :D

link Jane  

Beautiful artwork as usual, love the panel with Coriander and Pepper with bokeh effect, lol. The story is great, too. Bravo!

link FabKzo  

Great, as always ; we ( me and my daughters) are happy to follow this webcomic, waiting for a third book :-)
I particularly really appreciated the fireworks .gif , it gives an idea of what it should be in anime, with that brushstroke of yours.
Keep it up !

link Roobar  

Now only if there is a easy way to animate ray of lights with sparkles for the first two frames - It would be fantastic!

link Douglas Brebner  

So cute. And animated too :O

link Jorge  

This chapter felt especially beautiful and moving.
Thank you!

link SLywnow  

So cute.
After this episode i want to draw new fanart!

link Pip  

Such a lovely episode!

By the way, does Pepper look a bit older, or is it just me? Is it just because she's sad or is it intentional, because time has passed since the first episodes?

Anyway... I thought you demonstrated very well the feeling that drives someone to the bench outside a party, and the feeling you have when you sit out there and hear everyone else having fun. I mean that both story-wise and (perhaps even more) artistically. Really well done.

link Pip  

By the way - I think the fifth panel (with "Une immense fête avec toutes les écoles de magie, et des centaines d'invités prestigieux venus de tout Hereva") would make a great wallpaper.

link rjt2000  

Wasabi... This comic has the best names!!

link Tarsi  

un super épisode, un de mes préférés je pense ! en terme d'histoire, et aussi la beauté des dessins. Super travail David !

link Bubble Scientist  

Keep up the good work. I'm glad that you always put quality before quantity. As a result your work is truly amazing.

Just a note: In the Pepper & Carrot wiki it says "Since Pepper had very little money and no living relatives, it only took a little prodding for the villagers to help erect Pepper a house in the forest of Squirrel's End."

That particular spot must be the site of the previous Chaosah school, however, because Pepper found the Chaosah witches' buried mistakes there. Should this be added to the wiki?

link Mark Munroe  

Great story and a great moral. In life, we tend to envy the riches and social positions of others, without realizing that they too have personal problems and wish to get away from it all. It is not wealth or status that is important, but true friends and relationships. In this world where fame and money are put above all else, we forget that true human relationships and love and kindness are that matters.

Thanks for a great short, but important story.

link tofei  

Well that was nice.

link Anonymouse  

Great work David! Loving this so much. Shichimi is my favorite witch!

link Wcmckee  

Aww this is special. Certainly one of my favorite strips.

Hope you upload the line works!

link Barb  

Oh, on the 24th of January it was my birthday and the new part of my favorite comix was added! It is so cool.
I am very happy that Pepper loves her godmothers and realizes that even if she hasn't done something special yet she has a wonderful life!

link Alexander Lisovsky  

I think Russian translation was made by Google translate or something. It's atrocious :-\

Love the episode!

link David Revoy  

Hi! I received it from a new translator yesterday and because I can't re-read it I had to trust the quality.
I'll report your comment to the translator here:
Feel free to join and help to make it better; sorry for the atrocious entertainement ; I'll remove the translation if someone else can comfirm (by security).

link Deevad  

Thanks again for your comments. After confirmation, I decided to remove it.

link Ryu72  

It's still a fight. It just doesn't involve physical. 😁

link Alex Yst  

I think we could all use a little more appreciation for what we have. I know I could, anyway. There's a lot that'll always suck, but we usually take the good things for granted, writing them off and forgetting we have them.

link Zveryok  

Yay, russian translation in back! :D

link Craig Maloney  

You're right. It makes more sense this way. I have some ideas of what to change to make this work, since the timeline will need a little massaging.

Thanks for pointing this out!

link hyy  


link Luis Vidal Lozano  

Traduccion al Mexicano? No sera Espanish? XDXDXDXD LOL

link Aiichiro Nitori  

Do the characters have a specific nationality the represent? The only reason I ask is because Shichimi seems to be wearing a kimono, which as you likely know is a Japanese garment. Amazing episode as always! I'm actually pretty surprised Saffron hangs out with these guys and considers them friends honestly...

link David Revoy Author,

Hi Aiichiro Nitori, thank you for the good question. The characters does not represents any nationality, but you guessed right: they are collage of concept from our world and it's true for Shichimi she wear what I would call Asian ceremonial inspired clothes that are inspired by what a foreigner like me enjoyed aesthetically about Japanese culture. It inspired me exotism and mysterious rituals. The major concept that breaks this stereotype for her is her bright blond and pink eyes appearance, her nomad habits and very independant nature, and the desertic place (but still green, just not a lot of trees) she live in. You can read more and look at an artwork of her place in the "Temple of Ah" on the wiki: .

link Anon  

Bonjour David !

Je me permets de te tutoyer (et seulement parce que l'occasion s'en présente !)

Enfin bref, je voulais te dire que ton histoire ne manque jamais de me faire sourire et d'éclairer mes journées. L'innocence et la candeur de ton univers est un vrai régal à lire.
Que d'optimisme et c'est que du bonheur :)

En plus de l'histoire, ce que je trouve particulièrement admirable c'est la philosophie que tu pratiques : des outils que tu utilises jusqu'au savoir que tu partages, tes actions ont eu un profond impact sur la façon dont je considère mes dessins et quelles valeurs je veux transmettre.

Là où un jour, je n'aurais pas hésiter à prendre sans rien donner en échange, aujourd'hui je prend plaisir à partager mes propres connaissances à qui veut bien l'entendre.
Mais je ne mentirais pas, bien sûr que j'espère un jour vivre de ma passion et pourquoi pas avoir une fanbase conséquente.
Pourtant, tout cela vient second à mon désir de créer et de dessiner. J'espère qu'un jour je pourrais te montrer une page de comic... une fois le script terminé. (Je n'ai absolument aucune idée du temps que je devrais y consacrer, pour être honnête. 5 heures semble tellement 'trop' pour une seule page)

En tout cas, je te souhaite une bonne continuation pour la suite,

A une prochaine fois !

link David Revoy Author,

Bonjour Anon,
Merci pour le message! Au plaisir de voir tes pages. Cinq heures par pages, c'est hyper rapide! En France, et avec mes infos glané ici et là (donc à prendre avec des grosses pincette, c'est pas de la science non plus) sur des albums grand format couleur est considéré hyper productif ceux qui arrivent à pondre une page tous les deux jours (scenario+storyboard+conception+colorisation comprise). Sur un album de 42 pages, cela fait en gros 84 jours de travail efficaces qui redivisé en 5 jours de travail fait 17 semaines de boulots ( on arrondi a 20 pour mini congés, maladie et empêchement divers). Un auteur comme ça est capable de faire deux albums par ans plus avoir des vacances. C'est pas non plus des auteurs de Manga qui doivent pondre parfois (en équipe) des chapitre de 16 pages toutes les semaines. Ca c'est un vrai défi également.
Ayant travaillé sur des court-métrages de 10min qui ont pris parfois plusieurs années; je m'estime assez content avec mes 8 pages tous les deux mois (mais je gère aussi l'édition de Pepper&Carrot, le site internet, le système de traduction, le test et les plans galère des outils libre pour faire la bd, etc...). J'éspère que ces petits example aideront à relativiser les 5 heures. 5 heures, c'est du rêve.
Bonne continuation aussi!

link Anon  

Bonjour David,

Très bien, j'ai pris des notes ! Je vais commencer petit alors avec une ou deux pages pour me familiariser avec le process.

Oui, tes exemples aident à rendre la chose un peu moins.... effrayante, dirons-nous. J'ai sans doute sur estimé mes capacités avec ces 5 heures mais bon, j'ai vraiment envie de m'y essayer. Peu importe le temps que ça prendra et surtout pour l'expérience, haha !

Je te remercie beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de me répondre.

A une prochaine fois !

link Pranav Jerry  

Pepper and Carrot is the most beautiful comic I've ever read. Most artists now draw for money and this makes the comics dull and unimaginary.
The universe of Hereva is made with passion and open source spirit in mind. This makes the comic unique and filled with goodness.

link David Revoy Author,

Thank you @Pranav Jerry !

link Deca  

Un bel épisode, bonne continuation.

link Blabla  

à quand le prochain épisode ? Je DOIS connaître la suite !!!!!!!

link David Revoy Author,

Demain :) Si tout va bien!

link Polosataya Koshka  

I can't quite decipher the "This..." panel. What's happening there, please?

* There seems to be a shocked queue looking at Cumin - for eating with her hands? Starting the buffet early? Jumping the queue?
* A number of people looking at Cayenne are both shocked and... trying to get an autograph? That girl in green doesn't look like what I've seen of the newspeople, so I wouldn't think "interview".
* Thyme is easiest, she, presumably, is just trying to get a glass of wine and had picked the simple, energy-intensive "climbing" method over the "talking" alternative. Hopefully the man is nimble enough to save the glasses :)

link David Revoy Author,

Just Pepper compare what her friends have (Coriander has a party of a queen, Saffron is a star and Shichimi is in a school that looks good with a lot of value, easy to respect) and Pepper; she is ashame of the poor way Cayenne, Thym and Cumin behave in this party. They represent her school, Chaosah...
- Cayenne is angry to magic students asking her an autograph and get an aura of domination, she has poor social skill.
- Cumin has no maneer and eat with hands and keep feeding herself as if the buffet was her personnal table.
- Thym is ...hmm.. hm... trying to find a new partner her way, in previous episode you'll see she is very "sexualy driven".
I hope this clarify this panel for you!

link Polosataya Koshka  

Ah, well, OK... *stunned and discombobulated blinking*

...I'll still see that scene as a courageous climb up Mount Waiter to get more wine, though... :)

I understood the part about the other girls' glamour, it was what Pepper's teachers were doing - when the twenty onlookers in the comic look more baffled than I am, it usually means I've missed something ;)

Once upon a time our school had a fashion for small leather rucksacks and I was a bit envious for a day or two... Until the swimming lesson, when I've seen the half-dozen tiny bags in brown and black in a heap and realised that:
1) I'd never find my bag in that heap if it looked the same as others'. Not being a "cool" kid I wouldn't even be "one of them" enough to open any bag but my own, so figuring it out by content won't be an option. (Colourful ribbons on the outside were not a thing. Whether nobody thought of them or thought they detracted from the cool leather look, I don't know).
2) Mine is unique and hand-made (a parents' friend being a seamstress) especially for me and the dinosaur fabric is waaay cooler. (In such quantities as "one heap" leather somehow stops looking so cool and posh).
3) Also, mine is big. I got a small leather one years later and have confirmed - even one book is a tight fit. Fitting textbooks _and_ library books (and what's school for, if not for raiding the library?!) would be impossible. This was not the first thing I noticed, though. The first was mostly a combo of 1 and 2 - "my dinosaurs are much better and those "cool kids" won't get anything like _them_ in a hurry! :P "

So, I guess this episode hits close to home. "Cool" might not really be as nice as it looks. Oh, yeah, especially for an introvert like me. It's just hard to find the good in what you have, when it all looks dull and common and boring (and, sometimes, embarrassing, like Pepper's aunties. I know they're her _teachers_, but they have a feel like her aunts or grandmas :) )

link David Revoy Author,

Thank you for all the nice words and the feedback!

link Auren Torres  


link Cat  

Bonjour .

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