Speedpaintings Brushes, Tips and 4 Timelapses - Krita 5
I share my 4 new brushes for speedpainting in Krita 5, and a new video! The video contains links, install, usage and 4 timelapses.
Download and Install
First, download the zip files. The brushes are designed for tablets with Tilt support. But if your device doesn't come with a Tilt support (or if you use a mouse) don't worry: I made a special version for you.
- ⏩ Version for device with Tilt support: https://www.peppercarrot.com/extras/resources/2022-02-19_Flat_Brushes_Speedpainting.zip
- ⏩ Version for device without Tilt support: https://www.peppercarrot.com/extras/resources/2022-02-19_Flat_Brushes_Speedpainting_NO-TILT.zip
After the download, extract the Bundle file somewhere on your system.
Open Krita, go to Settings, Manage Resource Libraries, and click the import button. Now locate your Bundle file on the disk, select it and press Open.
A socket with the Bundle will appear at the end of your list. It has a frame around it, and that means the bundle is activated.
Now you can go ahead, close this dialog, Create a new file, and then scroll your brush list and you'll find the four new brushes side by side.
Now you are set to paint with them!
Description and Usage
"Flat Paint Brush with variations" might look a little weird on this pack, but this brushes is great for blocking big volumes at an early step of your piece. It creates quickly a rich texture with an interesting pattern constantly color shifting. It really helps to feed the canvas and suggest many details.
"Flat Paint Brush Creamy" takes advantages of new development in Krita 5. You'll experience good ability to mix colors at low pressure while you'll keep a tool that also paint sharp accents at full pressure and can cut shapes with a strong edge. It's the main brush of the pack to sculpt the volumes and do modeling with that painterly feeling.
The third brush, "Flat Paint Brush Dry", is a presets that produce softer edges if I compare it to the two previous brushes. But this preset is also able to cover fully area when used with a lot of pressure on the stylus. It brings a good contrast of rendering with the two previous brushes and I use it to paint shape with soft edges like bushes, trees, or when I need to rub lightly an area to bring more color vibration to it.
Finally, the last one "Flat Small Brush for solid edge" has everything in the title. it is a brush that cover the area with full opacity with a solid clean edge; but still preserves a little bit of expression and texture on the tail and the edges. It's perfect to draw details on the top, especially when they are made of single brush strokes.
I recorded four studies (see the last part of the video) , and with this accelerated movies, you'll see how I used the brushes along other brushes from my previous brush presets. The studies took me between thirty minutes to one hour for each, and I hope this timelapse will bring you inspiration and tips to dive into speedpainting.
License of the video: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Licenses of the brushes: In short: the brush are free, use them as you want (ok for everything, commercial, etc). I just want a credit if you redistribute the bundle as it is or modified. This brushes are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 to "David Revoy, www.davidrevoy.com". This attribution is necessary in case of redistributing the pack, commercializing it, or modifying the brushes files. This attribution is not necessary in case of usage (you can paint any artwork you want with it, you still own totally your artwork). This attribution is not necessary in case of doing screenshot/screenrecording of Krita while using the brushes.
Video and artworks by David Revoy
"Adventure Beyond"
by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
Edited with Kdenlive 21.04 on Kubuntu Linux 20.04
My experience with Krita is limited. I do nearly all my graphical stuff with Inkscape as it is mainly for engineering students. And more creative/playful work I do on paper with pencil and wax-crayons. So I'm completely out of my dept here and maybe it is not possible what I'm thinking of. But when I look at the Flat Paint Brush Creamy, I think it would be even better if the stroke doesn't just become less saturated, but also slightly narrower when you reduce pressure. Not entirely (as it is a flat brush after all) but maybe slightly, or don't these work like that? And also, in Inkscape you can make regular shapes (like regular polygons and star-shapes) a bit more random. Wouldn't it be nice if these different hairs of this flat brush more a little more randomly too with respect to each other (possibly individually dampened by the respective setting in Krita). Krita might need to treat these as individual parallel brushes for that to work, not sure whether it is possible. That said, your speed paintings look beautiful and convincing so it doesn't take anything away from the end result. Just a thought when looking at these separate demonstration strokes.
I love these spontaneously looking speed paintings. They catch the vibe with some striking big strokes and color choices. And I hope they're inspiring to you to. To quickly get your idea down without any of the more tedious detailed work. They remind me of works like those from Van Gogh and Monet. At the end of the day, doing a bit of both will be most fun.
I was looking for a color-shifting brush for a while and could not figure out how to make it.
So thank you for publishing this pack and documenting it so nicely!
Thank you for the feedback!
Thank you!! Great content!!
bruh the download link isnt workign i cant even download, u got any mediafire links or a google drive? this peppercarrot website is pissing me off
Hey, Pepper&Carrot is my webcomic website, self hosted and I spend money on it to get a larger bandwidth than on my blog here.
Unfortunately for you, the server is having now a high number of visit, very unusual and service is slow.
My website doesn't spy on your private life like Google Drive, or MediaFire, and there is no chance I host anything on these two companies.
I don't have their budget for my servers, so it is homemade and slower. Just be patient, and try in one hour please.
I'm entirely new to painting in a digital format (or painting or sketching at all really - haven't done any drawing since I was 7 or 8), but I love the feel of Krita with my Wacom Cintiq 16. I recently saw a speedpainting timelapse and figured I'd try doing it myself (mostly because my brain said "Fuck no, there's no way you can do that!") so I put together some kind of fantasy landscape that I plan to use as a Standby screen when I stream my WoW guild's weekly raid nights on Twitch. Had 20 minutes initially and it didn't look like a complete mess so that was fun. Been tinkering away with it since and I gotta say I enjoy that way of drawing. For me it becomes very intense and instinctive and the experience is very cool and fresh compared to planning out what to make, maybe using reference-images and methodically working towards that goal.
Have been making a point of not listening when my inner critic tries to s**t on things I want to do. Trying new things with painting and doing Twitch stuff is most definitely on that list of things.
Been kind of stumbling around flailing wildly for the most part with some kind of alright results, but then I watched Jenna.Drawing's Krita introductory tutorial on Youtube and found your page after googling for brushes, and I just wanted to say thanks a lot for contributing resources like this for free to the Krita community :)
I have no real experience with any software beside Krita except some minor work with paint.net, but I love that such a powerful versatile tool is available for free to us noobies that just want to at least pick up a new hobby if we're not planning on getting more serious with digital art. Makes the barrier to entry significantly lower and at least the software side of things is not part of the monetary expense you need to get past to get started. I'm gonna add your brushes to my standard arsenal and they look really interesting when I browsed the page here.
Again thank you,
and greetings from Sweden :)
Hey, sorry to make another comment right after that first massive one, but I clicked on your webcomic here and I now realize that it was in fact Your speedpainting video that I watched hah.
It's you painting the girl with the kettle that is visible in the thumbnail for the first episode of Pepper & Carrot :D
So now I have even more to thank you for :D
I'll be sure to have a look at the webcomic itself soon, but at the time of writing I unfortunately have other things that require my time.
Have a lovely day when you read this, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year my friend.
// Henrik
Hey, thank you for the feedback about the videos, Krita, brushes and my webcomic. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
Realmente agradezco el esfuerzo y la dedicación, el talento que tienes y la habilidad para imaginar y pintar paisajes es impresionante.
Thank you so much for all the resources and wisdom you share with other artists. I like to recommend Krita to my friends and I often point them to your website right after because you cover so many areas really well. I've been having a great time with the newer Krita brushes and look forward to trying these too, the demonstration is really helpful!!
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