
I detailed today an old sketch to test something technical about painting (and also to keep beta testing Krita 5.1beta1). After the Rendez Vous de la BD in Amiens Festival, I saw hundreds of comic styles but rarely painterly style.

So, I'm reconsidering the orientation I took on the last production report about style. It might help to push forward episode 37 because I'm not happy right now with the rendering of the first page colored and I'm looking to solve this issue.

The goal of this test illustration was to study the contrast of detailing; leaving part brushed and heavy textured on one side, and to detail with a lot of care focus point on the other side. (here, the face of Shichimi). It helps at crunching production time, while keeping the fun to detail as much as I want some specific parts.

I'll try to transfer this knowledge and notes I took into episode 37 production.

License: "Asleep" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
Tags:  #artworks   | Download: Markdown


link Paul  

This looks awesome, I love it!

link Thierry Schmid  

I love seeing your work on Instagram then going to your blog to see the details of your process. Your painterly style is very unique and it is very refreshing to see in comparison to all the anime style drawings.

link Maria R  

It looks beautiful, both in detail and color contrasts.

link Oel044  

Is beautiful, i would like to Pepper like that.
When you publish the next episode?

link Vinay  

Yeah, I can get along with this train of thought. You could compare it with photography when using a wide aperture lens. You can create a focus by having certain parts detailed and others more blurred, typically separated by distance to the viewer/lens and position in the composition (center or edge). After all, our human eyes also see more detail in the middle. So maybe if you adhere to these principles (which you did in this drawing) it will still look natural. So maybe you could touch-up some of your earlier drawings where you just thought the faces lacked expression? Good luck and never forget to enjoy the journey!

link David Revoy Author,


link David Revoy Author,

Thank you, true, I don't write a lot of text on social media because I figured they just deboost the publication (algorithm decision by poeple at Meta and Twitter to probably push users to post more spontaneous photo and not transform their platform into a diary/blog ?). I'll keep the diary and process on the blog; it's also helpful to future me so I can remember exactly why I did this or that, and what was my doubt at the time.

link David Revoy Author,

Thank you. Honnestly; I think I made a big mistake, and I saw it yesterday far after posting:
The sort of black horn/bone on the central part of Arra (dragon)'s head has a value too near to the shadows, and I'm sure for poeple not familiar with the design in the comic, they probably see a weird dragon with a black stick in one eyes, or they can't read well the shape of his skull. Lessons learned for the next time!

link David Revoy Author,

Hard to tell; getting threw this next episode is harder than usual; and it's probably 2 months I'm convinced it will be on the next 15 days and I fail.
Everytime, something happens randomly and shuffle my plans. Before Amiens, I was aiming at mid-July right now, but then I saw on July agenda my wife took her holidays in middle (and she did that more than 6 month ago, it's hard for her to block this dates). So, it might be now at end of July. I'm just worrying I'll change my mind after a big week of holiday, thinking about it. My brain is too influencable right now, a real problem.

Thanks for your encouraging comments! I hope ep37 will be render like that and you'll see a lot of shot of Pepper rendered like that.

link David Revoy Author,

Hey Vinay, thank you very much for your support and encouraging comments. Yes, I'll try to paint-over what was already done and not restart from scratch. Also, I start to have ready all the arc for the future arc of Pepper&Carrot and I can't wait to start future episode 38 and 39. But this 37 feels a bit like my own wall of sound.

link Maria R  

I didn't really see that, even now it's a bit hard for me to see the "stick", maybe I just know the dragon? But I can definitely see that it would look better as you say.
By the color contrast I was referring more to the central-right area with those beautiful light-warm green against the dark cooler green and Shichimi's red dress against the greysh green of the dragon. It leaves a fresh, relaxing impression for lack of better words(english is not my first language).

link David Revoy Author,

Thank you again!

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