Ep32 WIP screenshot

Here is a screencapture of a selection of panels (cropped to not spoil the story) while I'm working on future episode 32 of Pepper&Carrot. This time, I'm trying to clean my artwork (before coloring) with a specific way to do my line-art. I'm painting the lines and darken areas that attracts deep shadows. It produces a sort of overexposed grayscale rendering.

I like drawing painting this way; I can express a lot more textures, materials and depth than with a solid black line and get a smoother, "swooshy" and non-noisy result than with a pencil preset. On my recent experiment, this type of rendering saved me time (especially during the last steps: detailing and paint-over). I'll see soon on this production if it speeds-up my process.

License: "Ep32 WIP screenshot" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
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