Mega maintenance

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I spent an intensive week of countless hours cleaning up the Pepper&Carrot project. It was really necessary as the size of the project and number of contributions went -again- out of my control. Maintaining the overall project started to become a full-time job on its own and I was finding the structure of folders and repositories confusing... so... probably a lot more confusing for the community of contributors. I also desperately needed to find more time to produce future episodes and not only maintain what we have so far. Here are a list of important changes I did to keep scaling up:

Moving from Github to Framagit
I'm moving all the sources of Pepper&Carrot from GitHub to the open and friendly Framagit; Gitlab hosted by Framasoft (you can login to Framagit with your Github account). The repo on GitHub will be removed soon. Thanks again to GitHub for all the fun and hosting. Comment here to let me know your new @name on Framagit and I'll give you permission to clone and push.

Opening the code of the website
The website's php/xml code powered by PluXML and its theme and plugins are now finally open and have their own public repository.

Moving to a group
Pepper&Carrot moved to a group with multiple admin, centralized access permissions, pull request and bug tracker. I no longer own all the repositories under my personal account. This will help maintenance but also reduce the key person risk.

Merging all 25 git translation repos I merged our 25 translation Git repositories into a single one. It's now easier to manage. We still have all our revisions since project creation. The credits are also now centralized to a single at the root.

Simpler file-naming
We had plenty of svg named like that: Pepper-and-Carrot_by-David-Revoy_E##P##.svg ; they are now [E##P##.svg].

Adopting Inkscape 0.92.2
Our renderfarm now uses Inkscape 0.92.2 by default. It breaks small things here and there (punctuation in right-to-left languages) but I'm sure it can be fixed. (If a contributor mastering Arabic is around this is a call to fix our 'ar' folders). I hope those changes will prove to be the right decision! I tried to think "big" and make a structure able to handle Pepper&Carrot if it grows to 100 episodes... because this is where I want to go! To episode 100 and beyond ! :-)

License: "Mega maintenance" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
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