My house has been robbed

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Bad news: while I was traveling to visit my family for Easter, my house got robbed... A lot of stuff was taken: my new Wacom tablet, our laptops, photo camera, external disks, and jewelry (cheap items, but some with strong sentimental value). The main door of my house was broken and all the shelves at home were emptied on the floor. It's a really difficult situation to manage and right now I'm still spending a lot of time cleaning, filling administrative paperwork and trying to recover calm and serenity. On the bright side: Noutti and Tigrette -our cats- are both healthy and fine. I also haven't lost any important data: I kept a fresh backup with me during my travel and the only data I lost were my "long term archives" on disks at home (bye bye things before 2010...). Another good surprise: I still have my desktop PC at home and my two LCD screens. They were probably too big and too old to be stolen quickly (screens were also fixed on Ergotron mount arms). I reconnected an old Intuos4 Medium tablet to it that I was saving in the attic, a bit small for production but better than nothing. Also, my furniture, clothes, bed, etc, at home were spared by the cruel and gratuitous destruction. So, I do my best to adapt my productivity to this new situation and not rush the next long episode of Pepper&Carrot. I think it will be ready in the beginning of May instead of the end of April (10 pages long! A new record! because it's the core of "the magic contest #2", an important one). How can you help? If you want to support me, thank you! Just support the production of the next episode of Pepper&Carrot via Patreon (or alternatively: Liberapay or Tipeee) if you can. It will help me get more resources to replace what I lost. (I sincerely doubt my cheap house insurance will pay me back the tools I lost, or even a fraction of their original price...) I appreciate your contribution if you can help or if you already do! And a special thanks for the feedback, advice and help I received in this thread on Mastodon when I first knew I have been robbed. Time for zen music, pumping back confidence... and continue production.

License: "My house has been robbed" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
Tags:  #news  #drama  #sketch   | Download: Markdown


link nabispace  

Hope it's gonna be okay... i still give a little bit to your amazing work, continue like that
take my energy

link raghukamath  

Hey deevad! I felt very sad when I saw the post on mastodon. I pray for your speedy recovery from the situation.

link Dimi  

Oh nooo! WTF! :-( I know this bad feeling coming up when a place of safety was broken and things (especially unencrypted data) was stolen. It happened to us, too, a few years ago and i still fear that it might happen again.

Ich wish you all the best and hopefully an insurance company will pay for the material things.

link Bobo  

Purée, je suis sincèrement désolé pour vous ! Outre le coût et le temps perdu que tout cela représente, j'imagine qu'il y a des peines bien plus intimes dans pareille mésaventure. Bises

link Steve Howard  


I am saddened to hear of your problems. My mother had her house broken into once and said she felt violated, so I am sure this is not easy. Best wishes to you and your family. I am happy to be a Pateon Patron. Your work is so beautiful and imaginative.

link a none  

Could you please post the list of stuff that's been stolen, with photos if possible? We, your fans and viewers, may be able to hunt it down on auction and announcement services, and pipe this back to you so you can take action, like informing the police, and maybe getting some of it back, or catching the thieves before they wreck someone else's house.

link Roobar  

Aw... Been robbed a few times and I know how you're feeling right now. Consider better security for the future. Good luck!

link Stefan  

Courage ! Je sais ce que c'est, j'ai vécu la même chose il y a une quinzaine d'années 😢

link Jane  

So sorry to hear that. Wish you and your family best of luck!

link mcoudert  

Bon courage David :(

link uncle Night  

Sorry to read this happened :( I really hope for justice and that there's a chance of getting stuff back. But anyway, it's only material things, you and your cats are safe, and the most important stuff is backed up. It hurts like hell, but don't let it get the best of you!

link Klhz and Ayaluna  

Be strong! we love u!

link arghlub  

Fuck in hell !!! Putain (pas de saloperie ecrites sur ton blog, c'est façon de parler "sudienne". <Merrde alors mais qu'est que les voleurs ont bien pu taxé chez toi? une wacom??? peu revendable.... j'espère que les salopards n'ont pas touché à ton matos...

link Leonid Deburger  

Bon courage!

link La Plume  

Bon courage David!

Je compatis très sincèrement... J'ai moi même emprunté des sous pour m'acheter une Cintiq récemment... J'en ai pour plus d'un an à rembourser le bordel alors j'imagine... Malheureusement c'est le soucis quand on vit dans une maison, j'ai eu droit à la même chose il y a quelques années, mais la piaule était à vendre et donc pratiquement vide. Le seul truc que les cambrioleurs ont pris c'était le décodeur TNT... plus pour pas faire un passage pour rien... Ils ont quand même foutu un bordel monstre. Bref aucun respect et malheureusement peu de chance de retrouver les possessions dans ces cas là et l'assurance... Malheureusement on sait tous comment ça se passe... En espérant que ça ne bouleverse pas trop ton rythme de travail, bon courage surtout à remettre de l'ordre et à gérer la paperasse >_<

link Caetano Veyssières  

I'm very sorry to learn that. If it happened to me I'd be in a lot of difficulty. But also I would take that to prove myself as an artist even more. You're a very good painter and drawer. All your creativity, knowledge and skills are not in your computer, tablet or wacom stylus but only in you. Pepper & Carrot has shown many graphical styles, maybe this time there could be an episode painted entirely on paper, as a way to show nothing can put you down and broaden the graphical variety of this great web comic ?

link Val  

C'est là qu'on se demande à quoi sert l'assurance.

link Mauricio Hunt  

I'm very sorry to hear this. Truly.

link Mvl  


link EIREXE  

Ow, that's bad, stay safe!

link Lodewijk Gonggrijp  

That sucks man, but at least it's just stuff.
I hope things change for the better soon.

link GDquest  

Bon courage David! Je suis sincèrement désolé de lire cela.

link Côme  

Bravo pour la prévoyance d’avoir des back-ups avec toi :-)

link Freid  

Je me joins aux autres, on ne se connait pas mais bon courage dans cette épreuve. amitiés normandes

link theme  

Ah, bad news, it's really hurt when you lost souvenir. Hope there be a chance to get them back, wish you not feeling too bad at this. Best luck with you.

link Philippe Jean Edward Bateman  

I was shocked and outraged when I read your account of what those (&*%#@*) vandals did to your home. I put a plea out to those who look at my facebook page to help if they can---I hope it will do some good. I have been supporting your work for some time, and will continue to do so...I have also doubled my support pledge...I hope that your recovery is swift.

link Alam  

I can't believe this things are still happening to good people, this makes me so angry!!!
Best wishes for you and your family!!!

link Balla Emad  

U an author of witch comic ...................... best way is to get a curse of deep regret and suffer on whoever did that

link Kim Minchan  

Damn...I'm sorry man...

link Scott Petrovic  

So sorry to hear about that. I would imagine the emotional turmoil it has caused if far more than any of the money related losses.

link William Mckee  

Do you have cctv? I recommend the software motion and script to call the police when motion detects someone in your home!

Sucks about your break in but do something about your security.

link AN13  

That's terrible. Something as horrible as this shouldn't happen to someone as talented as you. I pray for your speedy recovery!

link Psion  

I'm late to send along my condolences. Losing expensive stuff is a pain, true, but those thugs also took away your sense of security in your own home, and that will take time to recover. Start with something simple: a new lock on one of the untouched doors, for example. Or install one or two wireless webcams that you can turn on before you leave the house for more than a few minutes. Then do some research into getting a security system or service that isn't too invasive, but gives you peace-of-mind.

One other thing, right now, you're feeling a mess of emotions. Explore them with your art and make something positive come of all this!

Best of luck, sir. You're a joy and inspiration to us all, and a valued member of an international community!

link Nina  

I'm sorry to hear your house has been robbed. Good to know your cats are safe and that much of your house remains intact. Hope you can eventually recover from that ordeal and end up with good or better replacements for the stuff you have lost.

No need to rush with the latest episode of Pepper and Carrot. Take your time. Thanks for all the hard work you've done for your comics.

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link Debarshi Ray  

This sucks! Back in the winter of 2013 I was robbed of my Canon 60D in Barcelona. It is nowhere close to having your home burgled, so I can only imagine how horrible it must have been. I hope you manage to overcome this.

link Clotilde  

Argh ! Je suis désolée :'<
(j'arrives très tard, mais j'espère quand même que tu t'en sors mieux :) enfin je vois que Pepper & Carrot sont au Concours de MAgie#2, donc je pense que tu t'es remis sur pieds ^^

link Guillaume  

Ayant vécu ça par le passé, je partage votre souffrance. La paperasserie à n'en plus finir, les clauses d'assurances qui font qu'on n'est pas indemnisé, le sentiment de n'être plus autant chez soi qu'avant, etc. Courage ! Tout ceci finit par passer.

Pour le futur, je ne peux que vous conseiller de sauvegarder l'intégralité de vos données sur un NAS, et de sauvegarder le contenu de celui-ci sur le cloud (en chiffrant les données avant envoi pour éviter toute fuite). J'ai fait ça à la maison : Ordinateurs -> Synology -> Amazon Drive. C'est simple à configurer et ça évite de perdre les données auxquelles on tient.

link Argy  

Hello :)
I just learnt for your house, and even if it's been some months from now here's a little encouragement message ! I really liked your work, and wish you nice days ^-^ keep on going !

link Alley  

Just Found out! Happened to me a few times in sunny South Africa!
It sucks! Feel invaded violated and powerless.
I pray you go from strength to strength!

link David Revoy  

Thank you for your message!

link RAJ  

I can't believe this things are still happening to good people, this makes me so angry!!!

Best wishes for you and your family!!!

link tanaM  


link tanaM  

i'll pray

link David Revoy Author,

Don't worry TanaM ; it was on 2017 and since the robber was catch (I couldn't get back the things stolen). He was under age of legally be adult, so he went to a camp and I know by the judge he learned how to be a gardener. But insurrance, paperwork ...still a mess even two years after...

link tanaM  

did they catch the robber
or just fake

did they catch the robbers
or just fake

link David Revoy Author,

Police did. I had a camera at home that identified the robber clearly depite the 1024x768 resolution (grainy) and being in infrared black&white mode during this short time (all happened in less than 20min).

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