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License: "Sketches" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
Tags:  #sketch   | Download: Markdown


link nek0   - Reply


link Aurora 🏳️‍🌈   - Reply Wow these are amazing, your likes are so clean and your perspective is great! How do you practice?

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@spots1000 Thank you! I wish I had good or inspiring tips for how I practice I could give that is condensed enough to fit here, but I don't.

But I'm working on something: I want one day to make a tutorial (series?) dedicated about just pure drawing. I'm still also trying to solve the "how to record myselft" while speaking issue. First test (accelerated, timelapse) were published last autumn

I hope I'll be able to produce this one.

11 ★

link Aurora 🏳️‍🌈   - Reply The video is very cool! I think even watching a time lapse is educational. I'll keep an eye out for more vids from you in the future!

link bartholin (rebooting arc)   - Reply

@spots1000 how to find the motivation to draw everyday (I am very lazy and I cannot draw)

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@bartholin @spots1000 I think the motivation for me is just to kill the time in a interesting way for the sketchbook.
Also, the A5 format with a ballpoint-pen directly ready inside, is a good low friction action to just open it and get started. During breakfeast, anytime, etc..

2 ★

link Marnic   - Reply

Tu dois avoir une vision très précise en tête de ce que tu va coucher sur le papier.


link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@marnic Une idée générale, oui; mais ça change constamment aussi en cours de route; si une ligne va pas bien ou je veux (et ça arrive super souvent) je camoufle l'erreur avec de la nouveauté et donc je réadapte le projet à la volée. J'ai un peu près le même fonctionnement quand je bricole: le projet initiale est souvent différent du résultat qui est "close enough" de l'idée de départ 😅

link Mike   - Reply Pepper doesn't look all that keen on her horned helmet.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@MikeH 🤣 True. Also, I drew this one during a heat wave and my ballpoint-pen ink had in result a super large line with low viscosity for the ink; I probably also felt a bit like Pepper on this drawing too because I couldn't sketch thinner lines and I had to trace line quick to not get too many blobs of ink

link jesu   - Reply

@MikeH incredible work, as usual, from the polished and finished works to the sketches (for some reason I adore sketches, it's lovely seeing the quicker linework...)

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@jesu @MikeH Thank you!

2 ★

link jesu   - Reply

@MikeH :)

link Marco Bresciani   - Reply

Wanna fight? This is my best... 😅😇

Wonderful drawings

🖼️ original 

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@AAMfP Fight accepted! :blobcheerbounce:

( thank you! )

a close up on a sketch: continuation of the previous photo (post above) with a profile integrated to the pattern. 13 ★

link Elzen   - Reply

Talking about a drawing fight… is the #ComicsBattle over? 😇

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@elzen 😺 Mea culpa I almost forgot about it. Maybe it's something I should continue but with ballpoint-pen only to go faster; going full color on my side was a mistake 😅

2 ★

link Elzen   - Reply

Well, IIRC @gee gave you the perfect occasion to drop colours last time 😇

link Marco Bresciani   - Reply


link Irina Krita team, - Reply

Is that cook smoking a cigarette? (In that case I don't want to eat anything they've cooked)

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@irina he he 😆
It's a toothpick! 🙂

3 ★

link athena_rising   - Reply

I adore your work (and I envy it). 🥰

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@athena_rising Thank you!

link crAshBanzai   - Reply

Love your work!

link Ted Spence   - Reply

Awesome work!

link Link1400   - Reply


link Lazy Lemur   - Reply this is amazing! ​:neofox_heart:​

what i still don't know is how do y'all deal with mistakes when working with ink

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@lazylemur Thank you 🙂

About the ink and the mistakes, my approach about it (because I do a lot of them) is just to somehow find a way to transform the "bad line" into something creative (a part of the background, a dark shadow, a crosshatching) or just draw in bolder in the same place the better line and the bad one just appear as a 'sketch hesitation'.

link Lazy Lemur   - Reply ah that makes sense. clever!

link Norihiori   - Reply

superbe hachures, j'aime bien ce type de travail des volumes bravo 😁

link Jorge Bejarano   - Reply


link Marten A. Höhne :mastodon:   - Reply

🙇 all the drawings are beautiful and the teapot home is fantastic

link Vincent Cantin   - Reply

J'ai apercu une maison Teapot, modelee a partir de la forme de la lune.

Addresse: 418 rue du web (la route est longue, mais ...)

link Júlio Gardona   - Reply

ballpoint pen is an amazing tool, but underated. 🙌

link phαη†⊕m :fedora: 🎸 🏳️‍🌈 ⁂   - Reply

Tu as un talent que j'ai toujours voulu avoir et que je n'aurai jamais.
Aucune jalousie de ma part mais un profond respect.

link MHunt   - Reply


link randal_silversword   - Reply

I just saw your work today. Boosted, Faved, Bookmarked and Followed. Astonishing. Bravo (italian version 👏 )

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@randal_silversword Thank you!

link Marc Tapages 🐰⏚🚲🎺   - Reply

et tout ça avec un bic messieurs dames !

Ces perso sont magnifiques, frais et vivants.
Je suis trop fan ;-)

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@marctapages merci! Ha oui, j'ai pas encore trouvé mieux que le Bic crystal.

link Franziska Köppe | madiko   - Reply

Wow! Great drawings. Especially love the "Tea-Pot" house and the dragon with the fish. 😉

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@madiko thank you! 🤩

link Amygdala   - Reply

Oh god, the elephant! I love it!

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@Amygdala thank you!

link Paire Blaise (comme un dieu)   - Reply

I love the archer !

The man with the scar looks like Geralt of Rivia in the Witcher 3, isn't it ?

link Paire Blaise (comme un dieu)   - Reply

Pourquoi j'écris en anglais, moi ? On est mauvais tous les deux 😅

link Xalofar, bookworm ⚰️   - Reply

@bakaniko Ah bah il y a des fois je me demande…
Rassure toi, j'en ai vu d'autres le faire 😋

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@Xalofar @bakaniko merci! Oui, j'ai adoré le jeu (et les deux DLC!), et aussi les livres. Mais de mémoire, j'ai du mal a le dessiner. Ca fait plaisir de voir que j'ai reussi un peu a retransmettre le perso.

2 ★

link Linebyline   - Reply

Give a dragon a fish, it will eat for about eighteen seconds. Teach a dragon to fish, you'll have dragons raiding your pond for a lifetime.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@linebyline 😺 True!

link N (ン) Toyohito (豊人)   - Reply

This kind of sketchbook is why I don't want to buy one xD This is soooo good!! 🤩😍 Mine will be damn chicken scribbles 😂😭

The stove page is just 🤯

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