Art Block

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A wordless webcomic in four panels:

Panel 1: A small fairy with brown hair and ordinary transparent wings (a bit like a dragonfly, but less beautiful) sees a proud fairy, beautiful, with colorful butterfly wings. She's ecstatic at the sight.

Panel 2: Later at home, in front of her mirror, as the sun sets, our fairy looks at herself and her wings, depressed.

Panel 3: At night, she lies down on her bed in a phoetal position, crying.

Panel 4: The next day, on the bed, same shot, but instead of the fairy a huge silk cocoon. It's morning light, and the sun rays are shining on it. This panel is full of hope and announces a future metamorphosis.

License: "Art Block" by David Revoy − CC-BY-SA 4.0
Tags:  #webcomic  #minifantasytheater   | Download: Markdown


link David Revoy Author, - Reply

🦋 Speedpainting video of the process of making the comic episode, using a direct painting technique.

221 ★

link Den Datafag Trollmann :flag:   - Reply

suspiciously close to being a loss :loss: 2 ★

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@hj Hey, thanks to someone on the channel of Pepper&Carrot, I got the ref : , Interesting article. First time I read it.

I wouldn't say it to be close but I understand.

However, I propose here a real ending and twist: the cocoon is not a loss or a convalescence, but a process done by her body for metamorphosis. The ray of light at the morning symbolise this hope.

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link Coralie Renée   - Reply


That is how I perceived it. She was sad about her state but did not see that she was transforming.

I love it. 💕

link Character Assassin   - Reply


Going to coccoon tonight :artcataww:

link David Revoy Author, - Reply


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link Toon Link :verified:   - Reply

Awww, bless. This is quite the mood.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply


link Tom   - Reply

Not too sure, but I don't think that's how cocoons works.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@tripplehelix Welcome to the land of symbolism and poetry. 😉

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link Jiël   - Reply

I love mini fantasy theater :owi:

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@jiel Hey Jiël! Thank you 😍

(note: Punaise, ça me peine ce mois de Juin sans les Geek Faeries 😓 Du coup, j'ai acheté cette semaine du fromage de Selles-sur-Cher chez le crémier, c'est pas grand chose, mais ça aide un peu 😺 ).

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link Jiël   - Reply

:blobugh: m'en parles pas leur annonces en début d'année ça nous a fait un ascenseur émotionnel mais pas dans le bon sens... on va essayer de venir au capitole du libre et comptes sur nous pour les GF 2025 !!

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@jiel 👍 👍 Yes!

link Jiël   - Reply

PS: Manon adore ta Cat Station :patcat:

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@jiel 😍

link Ossi   - Reply

This is so beautiful! 😭 Thank you, David!

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@Ossi 💜 💜 💜

link MKSC   - Reply


link jfml - Jonas Laugs   - Reply

Ooof, don't hit me with the feels +___+ Hope they'll get a (temporary) happy end?

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@jfml 😊 The cocoon implies a metamorphosis, so yes; the last panel ends on this paradox: a totally stagnant and dormant situation but at the same time the right mechanism in process.

I'll try to paint her after her metamorphosis. Maybe in a future episode on the theme of art,or the art process. 🦋

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link jfml - Jonas Laugs   - Reply

Oh, I did not get that at all, but that makes sense of course! Yay, I'm happy!

link Bookynette   - Reply

trop beau 🤩

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@bookynette 😊 Merci Booky!

link Bookynette   - Reply

merci à toi!!

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link Jasper 🍉   - Reply

i'd sooner see her go faster than anyone else, just way better at flying.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@jasper 🦋 Yes! 💙

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link hardedge   - Reply

oh no! spider tribe attacked the village at night!

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@hardedge Savage plot twist! 😆 😆 😆

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link Lit   - Reply

let's we see how beautiful she'll become to be. I love wholesome comic :BlobhajHeart:

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@litt17 Yes, I'm sure she'll become her own thing; I'll think about how to continue the metaphor. Would be fun if she develop gothic wings, very dark and tormented. And have her dislike it... until she discover other fairies are all jealous of her deep black wings. 🖤
(just some notes from the top of my brain, but sure! it will be interesting to continue her path in future episodes)

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link Coralie Renée   - Reply


I can't wait to see what you have in store for her. 😍

link Eric True (f.k.a. spazquest)   - Reply

Along with the other praise -- Excellent image description.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@spazahedron Thank you! 🙂

link das-g   - Reply

What species cocoons when they already have wings?»

… I ask, completely disregarding that these are obviously some kind of 🧚‍♀️ mammalian humanoids in a fantasy setting, not 🐛 actual insects. 🙃

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@das_g Hehe, yes, I thought about that, but the sketches I had of the main character as a girl-worm was a bit weird. That's why I decided to continue with her wings like a fly (or a tiny dragonfly). The cocoon and metamorphosis might work like that in their world. 🙂

link das-g   - Reply

<nitpick>It'd be a girl-caterpillar or -larva, not a girl-worm. <nitpick>Then again, "worm" is so general and imprecise a term that we use it for some insect larvae, too, so I dunno.</nitpick></nitpick>

link Neotheta   - Reply

Interesting metaphor.

Though this source for art block is not familiar to me, but I know it is for many others. I think my source of demotivation is the exact opposite, I need to see others thriving, otherwise I get lost in the dullness/loneliness of creating.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@Neotheta Oh! Very interesting, I never heard about this effect. So, finding a vibrant and positive community must be very important for you I guess?

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link Neotheta   - Reply

I guess you could say that, though I'm not very good at the social aspect (extroverted but clumsy) - I do follow a lot of artists, from various fields of craft.

I guess it's like a candy advert, I see someone having fun creating something, then I get the hunger for wanting to have fun creating also. It's also fun and energizing to create together with others.

link Arne Babenhauserheide   - Reply

that’s awwwfully beautiful!

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@ArneBab 💜 Thank you 😊

link Sindarina, Edge Case Detective   - Reply

Such lovely work, as usual 😍

link   - Reply

Painting/drawing is pure wizardry to me. My brain can’t visualize things like that. In fact, all I see when I close my eyes is the back of my eyelids.

So it’s always cool to see these time lapses because of that :)

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@yon Thank you! The direct ballpoint pen training I started in January ( , and continued a lot) on my sketchbook really trained my ability to pause before drawing and see the structures, the perspective before starting to draw and "keep the picture" in mind. But only recently I started to feel comfortable enough to decide to test this type of technique to my digital workflow, directly in color and on the graphic tablet. It reminds me my old concept-art technique 😊

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link Kai   - Reply


link Punished Anonicus   - Reply

I really do aspire to be at your skillset one day :red_heart:
Very inspirational!

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@anonicus Thank you very much!

link Elfififififififi...   - Reply

as both a fairy and someone who has been struggling through creative difficulties after life circumstances, this has been particularly moving and helped me better deal with how my motivations have shifted. Thank you

link Stemy   - Reply

C'est littéralement du cocooning.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@stemy Oui ☺️

link Coralie Renée   - Reply

Oh my gosh. It's beautiful. 💝💝💝

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@globcoco 💜 Thank you!

link Charadon   - Reply

Little did we know, she will metamorphose into a moth, and become Mothwoman

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@charadon 🤣

link constancies   - Reply

I really love this. Five years ago when I was a teenager, I just started really getting into drawing, and I felt this way a lot. It’s so easy to compare yourself to a better artist and get demotivated, or try and fail to match them and conclude that you aren’t good enough.

But I think it’s a necessary thing to go through to an extent. Especially since once you understand the effects of being overly critical, you can come out both more skilled and kinder on your work.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@constancies True, it's a very difficult path to (continuously) climb. ☺️

link Yrdael   - Reply

je ne sais pas pourquoi, ça me semble plus triste encore que ce que tu voulais transmettre. Ou alors ça m'a particulièrement touché pour une autre raison.

link Axel Stieglbauer   - Reply

I hope for a sequel.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@AxelStieglbauer It's planned for Wednesday 🙂 I wrote a script in this direction.

link Axel Stieglbauer   - Reply


link skze   - Reply

your comics are the most beautiful shit i see on here, thank you for sharing them with us

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@skye :blobaww: Awww! Thank you.

link kb   - Reply

I love your art

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@donkeyblam Thank you 💜

link Seth Patterson   - Reply

It was fun to see this. It's similar to a comic that @DiosYubi and I made, called Cocoon. We used your SVG speech bubbles, which sped up the process a lot.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@NylaWoethief @DiosYubi Thank you! I'm now curious to see your version on the same theme, do not hesitate to give me a link 🙂

link Seth Patterson   - Reply

@DiosYubi Thank you for your interest. is a comic about a young girl, whose sister is going through metamorphosis. The story features silkwings, fairy-like people, and a mysterious visitor from another world. We made it with #Inkscape and #Krita.

link Sandro Santilli   - Reply

@davidrevoy this story reminds me those written by Gianni Rodari in his book "Tante Storie Per Giocare". The ending part is left to write to the reader ❤️

link andre   - Reply

Hm, there's a thread my instance can't see about goth wings.

Reminded me on a Yu-Gi-Oh! Card from way back:
Change of hearts:

I know, Angels and Devil wings aren't the same.

But what if there was a mixed wing version coming out of the cocoon? 🤔

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