Free 3D model-sheet : Little Bot Bunny

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click on the picture to enlarge, right click on it to save them Gimp-painter/Mypaint/Krita Here a free model-sheet of my cute character 'little bot bunny' ( or LBB, or nicknamed 'Lap1' ). I release him under the Creative Commons By license . In short , this license allow you to share it for free, use it for free on your project ( even commercial ) , do derivative with it, teach how to model or to what you want with it ...etc... ... Only one condition ; you should mention me in your project as the concept-artist and this should be publicly visible (exemple : "concept-art : David Revoy ," somewere in your credit, or in the bottom description, etc... ). Feel free to use on it the 3D material you want, customise it, pose it as you want: modifications and derivatives are allowed . Exemple : you can do a steampunk version of it rusty with your own design on the top.

I did it as a gift you can find bundled with my recent interview in the free PDF magazine 'Blender Art' #35.
Feel free to use the comment to post a link to share your result. Have a good modeling time ! ( and I hope to see epic bunny fighting scene )

[ update : here an additional sketch about ears ]

License: "Free 3D model-sheet : Little Bot Bunny" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
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